Table of Contents

  1. Responsibilities
  2. Seminar Reporting

1. Purpose

1.1 Inform Management and Sales of the kind and level of training by the Process Department.

1.2 Provide a concise and quick reference on the training activities for Process Management.

1.3 Inform other Company engineers/personnel of the types of courses and training potentially available.

1.4 Serve as a future reference.

2. General

2.1 The seminar report shall be prepared for all seminars or training courses, both in-house or outside, attended by an engineer or group of engineers. Its distribution is essential to ensure adequate dissemination of this information within the organization.

3. Responsibilities

3.1 The Process Engineer attending a seminar or training course shall be responsible for preparing a report. In the case of seminars attended by a group of engineers, the Process Section Manager shall designate the engineer responsible.

3.2 The Process Section Manager shall distribute to the appropriate parties copies of the seminar report.

4. Seminar Reporting

4.1 The seminar report shall be prepared in a timely manner, usually within two weeks after returning to the home office, or the date of the seminar.

4.2 The following outline shall be followed to prepare the report:


If applicable, list of name(s) and title(s) of other person(s) and company affiliation(s) specifying those who may be useful to Company in its business pursuits.


Describe the objective of the course or seminar. Indicate when and where the seminar of course was held and who the presenters were.


Provide a brief evaluation of the course, highlighting its application in our field and make a specific recommendation on future attendance.


Present the highlights of the meeting particularly those of interest to Company.

Document List

Provide a list of brochures, notes and/or books received during the course and indicate where they will be available for interested parties to preuse.


Documents and a copy of the seminar report to be filed for future reference. Process Section Manager to advise whether documents should be located in Library or Process Department Files.